Thank you for visiting my portfolio site. Here you will be able to review my career as an art director/graphic designer from the early days before my first Mac through my latest work.

Working in this industry has been an incredibly satisfying career. Yes there are the stressful jobs, the difficult deadlines and the clients that need an education but don't want one, but I have always been able to say "I love my job!" And people have liked hearing that.

  • teaser

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or use headphones!

I've organized my samples in two ways:
by INDUSTRY and also by MEDIA TYPE.

Some people want to see experience in a specific industry. For example, the manufacturing sector usually involves lots of detailed illustrations, advanced typographical chart, graphs and technical writing. Fashion involves top drawer photograhers; giftware and consumer products involve packaging and artistically appealing visuals. Since my experience has covered several industries, you can choose the relevant work to review.